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LU's new plan: CO2 emissions to be halved by 2023

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 17 December 2020  To achieve the University’s emissions targets, students and employees must for example, reduce how much CO2 they produce when commuting . Cycling is one alternative. Photo: Kennet Ruona By 2023 the University is to have reduced its CO2 emissions by half, according to the new sustainability pla - 2025-03-12

The outgoing vice-chancellor: Satisfied to see more people taking collective responsibility

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 17 December 2020 Torbjörn von Schantz is satisfied that the management group has got better at taking collective responsibility. Photo: Kennet Ruona Torbjörn von Schantz finds that he has made good progress on the road to a united University. In his management group, he now sees more of a shared assumption of respo - 2025-03-12

New faculty management teams

Published 18 December 2020 It is not only the central University management team that is changing. Several faculties will also be getting new management. Here is a list of the new faculty leaders for the forthcoming period. Find out who is to be dean and pro dean for each faculty as of the new year. Faculty of Engineering Annika Olsson becomes new Dean. Heiner Linke becomes new Deputy Dean. Facult - 2025-03-12

New University management 2021-2026

Published 21 December 2020 As of the new year, a new University management team will take over the helm. For the next term of office, 2021-2026, the University will be led by vice-chancellor Erik Renström and deputy vice-chancellor Lena Eskilsson, together with five pro vice-chancellors and the University director. “The choice of pro vice-chancellors was based on identifying skilled academic leade - 2025-03-12

Information security incidents and events

Published 14 January 2021 During the autumn of 2019, an analysis was conducted of how the faculties and the University's IT functions currently manage incidents and events that threaten our information security. Preparatory analyses, training, activities and a management dialogue have been ongoing since 2019 in the field of information security. The University is affected on a daily basis by event - 2025-03-12

The Government's new Research Bill

Published 14 January 2021 The Government has now presented the Research and Innovation Bill for this mandate period, which indicates the way forward for Swedish research policy. The Government's starting point is that free research must be safeguarded while the research policy must respond to global and national societal challenges. In the bill, the Government presents the research policy for 2021 - 2025-03-12

Digital exams – on-campus and remote solutions

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 29 January 2021 When Lund University switched to digital teaching there were many challenges both for the teaching staff and students. How exams and assessment were to be conducted now that the students were not on-site was an important question and a very difficult challenge. The existing tools for digital on-campus exams - 2025-03-12

“It is everyone's responsibility to get vaccinated”

By asa [dot] handotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 16 February 2021 Farshid Jalalvand researches how to develop safe vaccines to prevent respiratory tract infections that cause ear and eye inflammation. Photo: Mahendar Kadari Farshid Jalalvand has a PhD in infection biology and vaccine development, and he has appeared frequently in the media during the debate on the Cov - 2025-03-12

How vaccine sceptics think

By gisela [dot] lindberg [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Gisela Lindberg) - published 15 February 2021 “What side effects can you get?"," What unnatural chemicals do they inject?" and "Is it unnecessary to get vaccinated?" are some questions that vaccine sceptics ask themselves, according to Mia-Marie Hammarlin. Photo: Anna Aatola Engagement with alternative health theories and a scepticism towar - 2025-03-12

More people need help to cope with working from home

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 15 February 2021 "It is easy to feel that you are losing control when things change quickly and you don't know exactly how your employees are coping at home", says Anne Link, head of the Occupational Health Service. Photo: Jenny Loftrup The number of managers at the University who have consulted the Occupationa - 2025-03-12

Integrity and character

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 15 February 2021 Vice-chancellor Erik Renström in the Wrangel building, where he is located with his faculty office until Kungshuset is completely renovated in the autumn of 2022. Photo: Kennet Ruona Ceremonies have a certain power that speaks more to the emotions than to the intellect. This is the opinion of the n - 2025-03-12

How is your body feeling and how is your training going?

By lena [dot] bjork_blixt [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Lena Björk Blixt) - published 16 February 2021 Dragana Trivic working out in the laundry room. LUM asked a handful of employees this question after almost a year of working from home. Several of them spoke about putting on some extra weight, more TV and less exercise – but they were not too keen on putting their face to that in LUM... Howev - 2025-03-12

Research evaluation RQ20: Calls for better international recruitment

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 16 February 2021 LU has fine laboratories with advanced equipment. But one RQ20 panel wonders how these are to be used and by whom? PHOTO: Kennet Ruona Recruitment is an area on which the University needs to continue working. "We can certainly become even better in this area", says Freddy Ståhlberg, one of the proj - 2025-03-12

More luck than strategy behind the most-cited research

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 16 February 2021 Together with Sara Linse, professor of biochemistry and Oskar Hansson, professor of clinical memory research, Johannes Rousk is one of three LU-researchers on the list of the world’s most influential researchers. Photo: Kathrine Rousk Johannes Rousk is one of the world’s most cited and influential researchers - 2025-03-12

Health promotion reimbursement for participation in running groups

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 18 February 2021 Few employees utilise health promotion benefits As the Swedish Tax Agency’s guidelines now allow health promotion reimbursement for apps for activities like running, Lund University has decided, as of 1 January 2021, also to approve health promotion reimbursement for participation in running groups le - 2025-03-12

Results of the 2020 environmental management report

By jenny [dot] hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 23 February 2021 Emissions from business travel by air dropped by 86% compared with the previous year, but energy consumption was not much affected by the pandemic. The environmental management report for 2020 has now been submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency and shows that 5 out of 7 relevant environmental t - 2025-03-12

Lund University is investing SEK 100 million in an international research programme on sustainable development

By anna [dot] johansson [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Johansson) - published 4 March 2021 Lund University is investing SEK 100 million in an interdisciplinary research programme focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development. The programme is to attract international research expertise and to bring about the establishment of more internationally leading research environments in sustaina - 2025-03-12

A little goes a long way when working from home

Published 12 March 2021 The human body is meant to move. When working from home, the environment may be different, but the body’s need for movement and variation is unchanged. Remember to plan your days to make room for movement. For example, you could begin and end each day with a brisk walk, which has the added benefit of exposing you to sunlight and framing your working day. Think about which w - 2025-03-12

Join and contribute to the University's future e-infrastructure!

Published 15 March 2021 Is data storage a challenge? Is data sharing difficult? Do you need special software for your research? Welcome to a workshop about Lund's future e-infrastructure! Research is becoming increasingly data-driven and dependent on advanced e-infrastructure* to facilitate analysis and make research data available. Lund University (LU) wants to support our researchers in this dev - 2025-03-12

Farms a valuable heritage for the University

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 29 March 2021 A popular pick-your-own option for all sorts of cabbage began in 2020 at Norra Knästorp. At Christmas time, crowds of Lund residents were seen walking with swaying plumes of kale towards the city. Photo:Emma Sandberg Why does Lund University manage farms in Skåne? It’s a matter of tradition. From - 2025-03-12